In this tutorial, we learn how to play the trumpet for beginners. You need to put your lips together very tight and get a higher sounding buzz. It will take practice to get the buzzing of your lips. Practice this with just your mouth, then use a mouthpiece to practice with. Next, you need to try different breathing exercises by taking a big breath in and let it come down low. Don't fill the top of your lungs, fill down low in your body where your diaphragm is. Also, make sure you have good...
Saxophone practice routines designed to focus on specific aspects of your playing. Learn how to improve your playing skills in this free saxophone lesson video from a professional saxophone instructor.
Trumpets are one of the most popular instruments in orchestras, jazz and blues bands. Learn how maintain and clean a trumpet with tips from a instrument repair expert in this free trumpet maintenance video series.
Play jazz like Charlie Parker on your saxophone. Learn advanced practicing techniques for the saxophone in this free music lesson from a professional sax player.
Half-diminished 7th chords on the saxophone provide an exotic, beautiful sound. Learn how to play half-diminished 7th chords, plus get expert tips and advice on scales and music theory, in this free saxophone lesson video series.
A professional musician shows how to play minor seventh chords on the saxophone, plus gives tips on how to extend the chords to higher and lower octaves and how to use them in melodies, chord progressions, and jazz improvisations, in this free music lesson video series.
How to play the baritone saxophone; get professional instruction for playing this versatile and beautiful instrument in this free music lesson video series.
Learn the basics of playing a tuba, from how sound is made to using pedal tones and controlling the tuba's volume, as our expert tuba player and teacher explains in this free tuba music education video series.
This tutorial teaches you how to play the tuba in the high register. Improve your tuba playing with these exercises. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play your tuba in the high register.
Want to learn how to play the trumpet? Here is a good place to start. Using embouchure, you will be a master. You will also learn how to assemble the trumpet and use your slides.
This is a short film recorded to discuss how to do the multiphonics on a sousaphone. For more information on the circular breathing search for didgeridoo movies
In this series of music education videos, our brass horn expert and music lesson professional introduces you to the baritone. He gives you a brief overview of its history as well as an introduction to the components which comprise this horn.
In this videos you will learn how to take care of your trumpet, clean the valves and play basic scales, then you can dream of playing dark clubs and soaring solos.
In this series of brass instrument care videos from our music professional, J.D. Keating will learn how to take apart your horn, soak it, clean it and put it back together again.
In this video series of music lessons, learn how to play the trombone from trombone expert JD Keating. JD will teach you about the parts of the trombone such as the slide and the positions of the slide.
If you have taken up the tuba, it is a good idea to know how to take care of your instrument. Our expert, Kevin Smith, shows you how to perform tuba maintanence. Kevin shows you how clean your tuba with cloths and brushes.
In this video series on how to play French horn, learn basic tips and techniques for playing this brass instrument, including how to hold the horn, form proper embouchure, and changing pitch using your lips, the rotary valves, or by putting your hand in the bell. Also learn some intermediate French horn skills involving orchestral music, like how to play slurs, legato, glissando, staccato, and accent notes. Finally, get some practical care and maintenance tips for your horn, as well as some...
In this video clip series you will not only learn tips and information about the shofar but you will also learn how to play it and special notes specific to the instrument. Because there are no valves or fingerholes in the shofar it is its size that changes the tone and sound of the instrument. The larger the shofar the deeper and fuller the tone. This is just a piece of what you will learn through this series!